Two articles written by HANTON lawyers were published in internet Quarterly of Antitrust and Regulatory Issues (No. 8/92020)

Two articles written by HANTON lawyers were published in internet Quarterly of Antitrust and Regulatory Issues (No. 8/92020)

Att. Michał Zięba, the Managing Partner of HANTON is the author of the article: "Wybrane zagadnienia formalno-prawne związane z implementacją dyrektywy w sprawie interoperacyjności oraz dyrektywy w sprawie bezpieczeństwa".

As we are able to read in the summary of the publication, the article presents selected issues related to the implementation of the directive on the interoperability of the rail system in the European Union and the directive on railway safety into the national legal law. Due to the need for administrative authorities to apply directly effective acts of secondary law of the European Union, which fall within the technical pillar of the 4th Railway Package, during the transitional period, it was necessary for these authorities to resolve conflicts with national law, which was not adapted to EU solutions. Therefore, it was necessary to apply conflict rules which ensure the primacy of the application of European Union law (in this case, executive regulations) over national law.

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