

Railway law constitutes one of the main areas of HANTON's operation. Effective legal assistance provided to entities operating in the railway transport sector allows building a company recognizable both in the country and abroad.

The distinguishing feature of our team on the railway market is undoubtedly excellent knowledge of the sector and unique experience, gained both in national administration bodies, the organizations of the European Union Agency for Railways as well as experience gained during the implementation of complex projects for the largest entrepreneurs operating in the Polish railway system. We have been trusted by rolling stock producers, producers of railway products, railway infrastructure managers, railway carriers as well as owners of rolling stock. The growing circle of entrepreneurs who cooperate with us proves the effectiveness and efficiency of our operation.

The experience gained while providing legal services to numerous entities from the railway industry transfers into the comprehensive nature of our operation and allows us to solve all, even the most complicated, problems that entrepreneurs operating in this market environment.

We support domestic and foreign entrepreneurs from the railway services sector in their key projects. We are the first to introduce innovative solutions on the market and what is more, we provide legal assistance to our Clients during negotiations and signing substantial agreements.

We successfully represent entrepreneurs before the President of the Office of Rail Transport [PL: Prezes Urzędu Transportu Kolejowego] and the European Union Agency for Railways, including in proceedings for obtaining:

  • a single safety certificate;
  • authorizations for railway vehicles marketing;
  • railway carrier license;
  • safety certificates for users of railway sidings;
  • permits to operate  types of railway vehicles;
  • safety authorization;
  • ERTMS preauthorization;
  • open-access decisions;

HANTON constantly supports its Clients in communication with PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe, PKP S.A., notified authorities, the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection [PL: Prezes Urzędu Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów] as well as tax authorities in the field of property tax.

HANTON Law Firm provides legal assistance to enterprises and investors in the railway sector. As a matter of legal assistance we:

  • prepare the necessary documentation and represent Clients in proceedings pending before the President of the Office of Rail Transport [PL: Prezes Urzędu Transportu Kolejowego] as well as before other national and local government offices in all matters covered by railway law;
  • advise on the acquisition of railway companies, including preparing comprehensive legal due diligence, drafting and negotiating sale agreements as well as advising on the financing process of these projects;
  • prepare analyzes and legal opinions in the field of broadly understood railway law as well as on the border between railway law and other branches of law;
  • represent entrepreneurs and insurers at every stage of pursuing claims related to railway services, including during business talks, negotiations and court disputes;
  • advise during the investment projects implementation;
  • conduct restructuring proceedings of railway companies.
